Category: Cybersecurity

Active Directory Series: Kerberoasting

Kerberoasting is an Active Directory credential attack that attackers use to access other services in Active Directory...

by Cody Rubio
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KEV Catalog: “Heartbleed” OpenSSL Vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160)

CVE-2014-0160 is known by the nickname “Heartbleed”. It is an information disclosure vulnerability in outdated versions of...

by Cody Rubio
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Active Directory Series: Kerberos Authentication Overview

Active Directory uses the Kerberos protocol to authenticate clients and permit or deny access to different services...

by Cody Rubio
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KEV Catalog: “WannaCry” Microsoft SMBv1 RCE Vulnerability (CVE-2017-0143)

CVE-2017-0143 is a notorious Microsoft Windows SMBv1 remote code execution vulnerability. This vulnerability and the EternalBlue exploit...

by Cody Rubio
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7 Locations for Unsecured Credentials

Attackers can use unsecured user credentials to access different services and pivot within a network. Malicious actors...

by Cody Rubio
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KEV Catalog: 3 Linux Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities

Legacy Linux environments are open to various privilege escalation vulnerabilities. This post reviews three well-known vulnerabilities.

by Cody Rubio
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Dallas County Data Incident from Computers Sold at Auction

Last month, Dallas County released a notice disclosing that Dallas County computers were sold at auction that...

by Cody Rubio
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KEV Catalog: OpenSMTPD RCE Vulnerability (CVE-2020-7247)

CVE-2020-7247 is a remote code execution vulnerability in OpenSMTPD. OpenSMTPD is a free smtp protocol (mail server...

by Cody Rubio
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Ferrari Cyber Incident: Cyber Extortion vs Ransomware

Last week, Ferrari announced it was contacted by a cyber threat actor for a ransom demand. Their...

by Cody Rubio
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KEV Catalog: “Shellshock” GNU Bash Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169)

The “Shellshock” or “Bashdoor” vulnerability is a critical remote code execution vulnerability.

by Cody Rubio
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