Fort Worth Under Digital Siege: City’s Cyber Defenses Breached


One thing is for certain: we live in an interconnected world, where data and personal information are increasingly digitized and stored in the cloud. Because of this, our local city governments face a growing threat from hacktivist groups seeking to disrupt operations and expose vulnerabilities. 

Hacktivism is the act of breaking into a computer system for politically or socially motivated purposes. These hacktivist organizations launch cyber-attacks with the aim of embarrassing city officials and breaching data security in order to gain publicity.

This article delves into the motivations behind hacktivist cyber-attacks, explores the fallout from cybersecurity failures, and concludes with recommendations for building a robust cyber defense. We suggest you take note. The goal is to avoid a data breach at all costs. Just remember- incident response sucks.


You may have heard about the recent stolen government files from the city of Fort Worth, Tx. A hacktivist group broke into an online network and made off with over 60GB of personal data. “We were targeting any government domain associated with Texas, as Texas is our primary target,” read the message on the group’s Telegram channel.


The cybercrime gang, dubbed SiegedSec, further went on to explain,
“We are fighting for the rights of minority groups, particularly in the 1st world countries. In particular, LGBTQ+ rights.”

The city was guarded about the nature of the information that was compromised but did admit the hackers accessed “an information system, an application named Vueworks” by acquiring login credentials to it, although officials say they still do not know how the hackers got those credentials.



        1.      Ideological Motivations:

Hacktivist groups are often driven by a strong ideological agenda. They target governments they perceive as oppressive or corrupt, seeking to expose secrets, challenge authority, or rally support for a cause. In 2021, groups like Anonymous and Lizard Squad demonstrated ideological motivations by attacking government websites and databases, aiming to raise awareness and provoke change.

        2.      Protest Against Policies:

Certain hacktivist groups resort to cyber-attacks as a form of protest against specific government policies or actions. They utilize digital means to voice dissent, disrupt operations, or expose sensitive information.  In 2022 the actions of hacktivist group “SiegedSec” targeted open ICS ports during the “Operation Jane” campaign. SiegedSec used known OT exploit modules like EtherNet-IP CIP Metasploit modules. 

For context, there are 70 Metasploit modules that target ICS systems. In February 2023, SiegedSec targeted Atlassian and stole an employee’s credentials, using them to access Atlassian data through a third envoy. These threat actors focus on governments and corporations in order to protest perceived injustices, exemplify this motivation.

        3.      Promotion of Information Transparency:

Some hacktivist groups advocate for increased transparency and accountability in government operations. They see themselves as digital whistleblowers, exposing corruption and promoting the right to access information. WikiLeaks, known for releasing classified documents in the past, can be considered a prominent example of hacktivism aiming to foster transparency.


The fallout from cybersecurity failures in local and city governments can be significant and wide-ranging. The following illustrates the potential consequences of not property securing your data.

        1.      Data Breach and Identity Theft:

When hacktivist groups successfully breach government systems, they gain access to sensitive information, including personal data of private citizens. This can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and irreparable damage to individuals’ privacy and reputation. And you know what they say about the tribulations of trying to get one’s reputation back.

        2.      Disruption of Services:

Cyber-attacks can disrupt essential services provided by local and city governments. Hacktivist groups may target critical infrastructure, such as power grids or transportation systems, causing inconvenience, economic losses, and potential risks to public safety.

        3.      Erosion of Public Trust:

Repeated cybersecurity failures erode public trust in the government’s ability to protect data and ensure cybersecurity. The exposure of vulnerabilities can lead to a loss of faith in institutions, hindering cooperation and hindering progress on important initiatives.


To establish a robust cyber defense against hacktivist groups that are on a mission to embarrass city officials and compromise data security, the following recommendations should be absorbed and implemented:

        1.      Strengthen Cybersecurity Infrastructure:

Invest in advanced cybersecurity tools, regularly update software and security patches, and implement multi-factor authentication to safeguard critical systems. Conduct regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and rectify weaknesses proactively.

        2.      Employee Awareness and Training:

Provide comprehensive training to employees on cybersecurity best practices, emphasizing the importance of strong passwords, identifying phishing attempts, and reporting suspicious activities. Regularly educate staff about emerging threats and the importance of data protection. Be sure and teach them the importance of adherence to multi-factor authentication.

        3.      Data Encryption and Backup:

Implement robust encryption protocols to secure sensitive data, both at rest and during transmission. Regularly backup critical data in secure, off-site locations to ensure quick recovery in case of a breach or system failure. You never want to be accused of failing to backup sensitive data; it’s Cybersecurity 101!

        4.      Incident Response Plan:

Develop and regularly update an incident response plan that outlines the steps to be taken in case of a cyber-attack. Establish clear communication channels, define roles and responsibilities, and conduct drills to test the effectiveness of the plan. Again, having to implement an incident response plan is something that you should strive to circumvent and avoid.  But if you wind up the victim of a serious hack orchestrated by an entity that is determined to compromise your data and embarrass the Hell out of your organization, you’ll be glad you have one ready to go.


        5.     Collaborate with Cybersecurity Experts:

Engage with cybersecurity experts and organizations to gain insights into emerging threats and best practices. Foster collaboration with law enforcement agencies to share threat intelligence and enhance rapid response capabilities. Discuss issues like the importance of regular vulnerability assessments and cybersecurity protection frameworks that address their specific network environments. Pen testing is key!


Hacktivist cyber-attacks targeting local and city governments are driven by diverse motivations, ranging from ideological beliefs to protest policies and the promotion of information transparency. Recent examples from 2021 demonstrate the potential fallout, including data breaches, disruption of services, and erosion of public trust.

If you need help implementing our recommendations for strengthening your cybersecurity infrastructure, employee training, data encryption and backup, or incident response planning, contact us at or visit to schedule a free consultation.

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