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In 2021, the state of Florida passed a law that banned the use of drones made by Chinese manufacturers for state and local government agencies. The ban specifically targeted drone manufacturers such as DJI, which is one of the largest and most popular drone manufacturers globally.


The primary concern behind this ban was the potential security risks associated with Chinese-made drones and the fear of data breaches or unauthorized surveillance. The US may have shot down one of Communist China’s spy balloons but America’s surveillance from foreign powers (and one of America’s strongest global rivals) is far from destroyed.


The threat of spyware being installed in Chinese-manufactured drones and UAVs is real. Hence, the recent ban in the Sunshine State.


The harsh reality is that the CCP has been surveilling the US for years, with drones purchased with your taxpayer dollars and operated by the government whose members were elected to represent you. While this ban may cause disruption in the short term, there are some positive outcomes for the future of drone sales by American companies. Among them:

1.     Boost to American drone manufacturers: The ban on Chinese-made drones could create an opportunity for American drone manufacturers to fill the void in the market. This could lead to increased demand for American-made drones, fostering growth and innovation within the domestic drone industry.

2.     Strengthened data security: By relying on American-made drones, state and local government agencies can have more control over data security and reduce concerns related to unauthorized data access or potential vulnerabilities. We need to make sure where exactly all the collected information is being stored.

3.     Job creation and economic growth: If American drone manufacturers can capitalize on the ban, it could lead to job creation and economic growth within the drone industry. This includes not only manufacturing jobs but also opportunities in research and development, software development, and support services.


Secured™ is revolutionizing the field of drone surveillance with the first commercially available automated AI Object Recognition & Change Detection software. This is specially designed to merge sensor data in near real-time, among other capabilities.


In fact, Secured™ was recently awarded over $4,000,000 in Unmanned Aerial Systems customization and development by a US-based non-profit foundation.  Although the NPO cannot be named at this time, this grant has helped fuel groundbreaking innovation that has the potential to revolutionize security in the global food production industry.


“This new platform allows us to utilize innovative drones to help farmers around the globe with their crop production, soil health, and ultimately provide more food safety around the world,” says CEO Gabe Rubio.


The recent legislation passed in Florida banning the use of drones manufactured in China opens a significant opportunity for American drone manufacturers. The ban, spurred by concerns of embedded spyware and invasive technologies, has created a vacuum in the market that domestic companies are well-positioned to fill.


And by the way, to the law enforcement agencies in Florida: feel free to reach out to us. If you’d like to see how Secured can help your mission in LE via the latest in drone tech, contact Cody Rubio. He can be reached at 


Now let us delve deeper into how Secured™, a software development firm based in Virginia, can address these concerns by specifically addressing the situation confronting law enforcement agencies throughout the Sunshine State.

1.     Exploiting the Regulatory Gap: The most immediate advantage for Secured™ lies in the absence of competition. With the ban on Chinese-made drones, there is a pressing need to replace the existing inventory. This regulatory gap is a potent avenue for Secured™ to present its product line as reliable and secure alternatives, ensuring no disruption to the law enforcement agencies’ operational capabilities.


2.     Emphasizing National Security and Privacy: Secured AI will highlight the privacy and security concerns that led to the ban as a marketing strategy. Demonstrating that their drones are manufactured with US components will highlight the robust safeguards against foreign interference. This would appeal to not just the privacy-conscious public but also law enforcement agencies aiming to maintain the highest level of operational integrity.


3.     Custom Solutions for Law Enforcement: Secured™ can increase its market share by designing drones that cater specifically to the needs of law enforcement. This could include advanced surveillance capabilities, increased flight times, robust data encryption, and easy integration with existing law enforcement technology infrastructure. By addressing these specific needs, Secured™ will be offering a product that not only replaces the banned drones but significantly improves upon them!


4.    TAKE SARGE: Secured™ has combined Automated Object Recognition with a commercial off-the-shelf Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor to create a near real-time capability for small to medium-sized drones called SARGE. Here’s what it does: the SARGE software drops a detection marker when the sensors register an object. It includes the location and actual image of the object. Oh, and all this information can be conveniently exported as a .CSV file.


“This exciting technology that we’re developing can truly make an impact globally,” says Co-founder and CMO Cody Rubio. “The ingenuity and creativity of the security products that we’re building coupled with the expert service levels we are providing is unmatched.”


Now let’s take a look at how AI-powered drone technology provides a competitive edge to those poised to espouse it. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution takes shape, companies that embrace artificial intelligence are positioning themselves at the forefront of technological innovation. AI-powered drones are no exception.

Drone technology has witnessed dramatic advancements over the past decade, with AI becoming an integral part of this evolution. AI-driven drones provide features such as automated flight planning, real-time data analysis, object recognition, and collision avoidance, all of which contribute to more reliable, autonomous, and efficient operations.

For a company like Secured™, focusing on AI-powered UAV technology is a strategic decision that holds the potential for significant market dominance. Here’s why:

1.     Real-time Decision Making: AI enables drones to make real-time decisions based on the environment around them. This is crucial for law enforcement agencies as it allows drones to adjust to changing circumstances without the need for human intervention, thus reducing response times and potentially saving lives.

2.     Increased Operational Efficiency: AI-powered drones can operate autonomously, reducing the need for constant human monitoring. This frees up law enforcement personnel to focus on other urgent and essential tasks, increasing overall operational efficiency.

3.     Robust Data Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze the data captured by drones in real-time, detecting anomalies and patterns that might be missed by human operators. This provides law enforcement with invaluable insights that can help in crime prevention and detection.


The Florida ban on Chinese-made drones has presented American companies with a unique opportunity to expand their market share and position themselves as leaders in the drone industry. By leveraging this ban, emphasizing the security of its products, creating customized solutions for law enforcement, and establishing strong partnerships, one company alone stands at the forefront of the AI revolution and stands to gain significantly in stature and credibility, thereby fueling significant growth and expansion.


As it continues to invest and innovate in AI-powered drone technology, Secured™ places itself at the forefront of a rapidly evolving industry, ensuring a strategic edge that its competitors would do well to emulate.